
There are 2 options of bookings. Booking from customer side or booking from admin side.

Booking From Customer Side:

  • Customer can create booking using Booking form. Customer will choose origin, destination, pickup and receiver information, parcel information, COD Amount (if any) (Cash On Delivery Amount / Collection Amount that can be the delivery fee or the parcel value.)
  • Customers can also using Bulk Booking option. Through Bulk Booking, customer will use a provided Excel Sample Sheet.
  • Customer additionally can mark status of new booked parcels as “Ready for Pickup” to make a precise processing of orders. However its an optional process.

Booking from Admin Side:

  • Admin can either book the parcel on behalf of customer by selecting customer account. In that case customer can see those parcels with their statuses in their business account.
  • Admin can also create booking for walk in customer as “Front Desk Booking”. If a walk in customers comes to office, give the parcel for delivery. Admin will use admin booking form and submit the booking information. Will generate invoice with barcode label.
  • booking, customer booking, courier booking, cargo booking
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